“The faithful, therefore, must learn the deepest meaning and the value of all creation, as well as its role in the harmonious praise of God. They must assist each other to live holier lives even in their daily occupations.” – Lumen Gentium
MT 28:19-28
We strive to nurture the minds and hearts of the entire Catholic family so we can be prepared to live our lives as effective ambassadors of our faith.
At St. John Paul II Catholic Parish, we do not seek to merely prepare people to receive holy Sacraments, we are compelled to engage every person with a desire to enrich their understanding of what it means to be a part of the universal Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ as the compass which guides us to Him through our regular receiving of the Holy Eucharist as a communal, Eucharistic people.
We invite each of you to deepen your faith further by considering your participation in our following programs.
Become Catholic |
Becoming Catholic is one of life’s most profound and joyous experiences. Some are blessed enough to receive this great gift while they are infants, and, over time, they recognize the enormous grace that has been bestowed on them. Others enter the Catholic fold when they are older children or adults…
Franciscan at Home |
Our parish has joined the Archdiocese of Denver to bring to our parishioners a website called Franciscan at Home. An online workshop to explore many aspects of being a catholic and at your convenience
To join simply click on the button below to the Franciscan at Home website. Then go to “Partnering Dioceses” at the top of the page and then click on Archdiocese of Denver. On the next screen click on the box for “My Parish or School is already registered…”, then follow steps to sign up.