Faith Formation Registration 2024-2025

"*" indicates required fields

Ministry communications are done via email as much as possible. Please provide an email address that will be checked regularly.
Registered Parishioner at St. John Paul II?*
Are you interested in registering as a parishioner at St. John Paul II? You can click here for our " St John Paull II Parish Registration " after you complete this form.
If your family isn’t signed up for FlockNote (the parish communication network), may we add your info and communicate with you via emails/text?
Participating Child Info*
Child's Name
Child's Age
Grade Level (Entering Fall of 2024
Has your child been baptized? If so, when and where?
Please note which sacraments your child needs to receive this year, if applicable: (Reconciliation-(typically 2nd grade), Confirmation & First Eucharist (typically 3rd grade))
Please note any allergies, restrictions or disabilities.
Click the plus sign at the end to add additional lines for children.

*** If you have a child who would like to be baptized or is older than 2nd/3rd grade and would like to prepare for Reconciliation, Confirmation or Eucharist please reach out to the Director of Faith Formation, Kristina: . We'd be happy to assist! ***
- Besides the appropriate curriculum, what additional resources does your family need: (check all that apply):
- Small Groups of 4-6 families will meet independently once a month. My family would like to (please check one):

Registration Fees*
Paying by:*

For more information or questions

Email our Director of Faith Formation at